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A group for those in the legal profession. Sharp legal minds engaging with the bigger questions of life.

The best Q&A in the city? Join with other legal professionals regularly either in person or online to hear what the Bible has to say about the bigger questions of life. Listen to a brief talk from the likes of Dr Sam Chan, Al Stewart, David Robertson, Dr Peter Jensen and Kanishka Raffel followed by an opportunity to ask questions, live or by text.

The content and format of these talks are designed to help sharp legal minds consider these questions.

Registration required.

Please contact Peter Wrench or one of our team for more information.
Recent resources
Michael Jensen
A political manifesto for Christians
Max Jeganathan
How do we understand and pursue real success?
Max Jeganathan
For many, success in life is the acquisition of greater wealth, pleasure and power. Is there a better way?
Al Stewart
The secret of contentment