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The Chosen : Last Supper

Limited cinematic release - Episodes 1 & 2

Limited Cinematic Release - 10 April - Get tickets here

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (out of 5 stars)

The Chosen series has taken the world by storm with a story that dates back over two centuries and is beloved by millions of Christians throughout history. Dallas Jenkins developed this series using a crowdfunding method that has garnered a devout following around the globe. While making Jonathan Roumie and the rest of the cast internationally recognisable and bringing the story of Jesus into homes, unlike any other time in television history. Along with 5&2 Studios conquering the world of television, they have found that launching the series in cinemas has given them even more access to audiences who love or may just discover this timeless narrative.

The fifth season has been packaged under the label of Last Supper. A portion of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem spans all four gospel accounts. It proves to be the stepping stone towards the eventual crucifixion of the Saviour. Dallas Jenkins opens with the disciples sitting at the table with Jesus as he shares some of his most famous teachings. Yet, the episodes weave through the moments from when the Messiah and his followers entered the city to the events, including the supper and his eventual betrayal. The cinematic release consists of the first two episodes of the series. It will leave viewers yearning for the following chapters to be released.

One of the clear benchmarks of this cultural phenomenon is the commitment to quality and how the creators have innovatively honoured history. Jesus' teachings are never compromised, but they are given new life as the emotion of each situation provides a three-dimensional aspect to these familiar texts. Humour, drama, and action are added to keep the audience engaged regardless of familiarity with the story. These theatrical releases will appeal to devoted fans. They should catalyse those just beginning the pilgrimage to look into the first four seasons. Granted, these productions are made for the series and have an episodic feel. Yet, this will not detract from their watchability, entertainment and inspirational value.

The Chosen: Last Supper—Episodes 1 and 2 — have something to offer those willing to get their tickets and experience their favourite series on the big screen with friends and family. It is a cinematic encounter that will reward and challenge all who are willing to travel into Jerusalem with Jesus and his disciples.

Reel Dialogue: Can we take artistic license with the Bible’s stories?

This has been a debate since the beginning, especially when the Bible’s words were on the big screen. Some of the first films ever produced were Bible stories, and they continue to be a source of inspiration for creatives to create screenplays and movies. Over the past century of cinematic history, the discussions about how far to take the artistry with these beloved texts continue.

No one can argue the influence of Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, The Passion of the Christ, the Jesus film and even The Chosen on people’s lives throughout history. Yet, all had their critics for their interpretations of Bible stories. So, how does someone discern how far is ‘too far’ in the artistry? There is a subjectivity to it all, but a few things may make it easier to know how to answer this question.

The first question is whether you know your Bible well enough to understand the difference between mere interpretation and Biblical fact. Before judging a film's accuracy, the challenge is for people to study their Bible and know how to discern the differences.

Secondly, if there are extra-Biblical elements, do they complement or detract from the message? Again, you need to know your Bible to answer this question. Still, this is an important question to ask when watching depictions of the Bible. Thankfully, the team at The Chosen have done their due diligence to complement the words of the Bible instead of detracting from their intentions.

Finally, if watching the Bible on screen is too much for you, don’t watch. The Lord has given you the freedom to make decisions for yourself and to others. These three questions will help viewers understand the question of artistic license and hopefully challenge us all to read the Bible.

The Chosen—Season Five does artistically add story elements. Still, its purpose and intentions are meant to lift up Jesus's person. The series does not compromise the Saviour’s message. Instead, it has managed to get His story before audiences worldwide. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,

Philippians 1:9-10 For those looking more information about Jesus, the Third Space team is here for you. We would love to chat with you about this and more.

If you would like to discuss the topics from this film and the Bible. Reach out to us at Third Space. We would love to chat about this and more.

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