I’ve been watching some Youtubers who are polyglots.
Nope it’s not a disease, it’s being able to speak multiple languages, many of them fluently.
Anyway Arieh Smith of New York is the absolute bomb. He wanders around New York’s Chinatown or even goes to Taiwan with fluent Mandarin.
Heads turns when he starts shopping or eating or travelling and speaking fluently. It’s amazing. He even speaks some of the more difficult dialects, and that just blows their minds.
And Mandarin’s not all. He speaks Urdu, Spanish, several rare African dialects, and even Mayan Indian.
And what’s the response when he speaks their language? They smile, they laugh, they talk, they eat together.
The Bible calls Jesus “the Word”. God came to us speaking our language. Rather than wait for us to bridge the gap, He breaks down the barrier, and invites us to speak with him, talk to him and eat with him.