Ep 59: Where is the love? homosexuality and the Scriptures | Third Space

Ep 59: Where is the love? homosexuality and the Scriptures

Christianity is supposed to be about love, so why does the church seem to inspire deep hatred of the LGBT community?

Ep 59: Where is the love? homosexuality and the Scriptures

Christianity is supposed to be about love, so why does the church seem to inspire deep hatred of the LGBT community?
Tue 21 Mar 2017
Bible reference(s): 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

One commentator has suggested that “The Church has inspired deep hatred of the LGBT community.”

According to a 2007 study in the U.S. 91% of young non-believers say ‘anti-homosexual’ describes present day Christianity. The study continues that they believe Christians show excessive contempt and unloving attitudes towards gays and lesbians. Where is the love?

In this episode, host Robert Martin speaks with James Hornby (pastor St Jude's in Parkville) about homosexuality and the Scriptures. In an honest discussion they talk about same sex attraction, if a person is 'born that way' and what is so great about Christian identity and the change that Jesus brings.

This episode of Bigger Questions was recorded under the previous title "Logos Live", at St Jude's Anglican Church Parkville's 5pm congregation in November 2014.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels