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Conversations that Matter

Tired of conversations that skim safely across the surface?

Access podcasts, video and articles from thought leaders and everyday practitioners to inspire your next conversation.

Deeper Questions

Deeper Questions

Submerge in Wonder, Surface with Hope

The Deeper Questions podcast makes space for reflection and intelligent conversation about God. There's a Christian angle to every episode, but we also take the time to listen to sceptics and the place of doubt in a post-Christian world.

God in 60s

God in 60 seconds

Ready. Set. God.

What can you learn in 60 seconds? You might be surprised! Check out sound bites from our team of creators. Every minute starts a unique conversation about the bigger questions of life. Listen to one, binge the rest. Then stay for a conversation.

Reel Dialogue

Reel Dialogue

Film through the lens of Faith

Grab some popcorn and find your seats to discuss how movies shape the way we see life. Discover Reel Dialogue through reviews, podcasts and events that connect the Christian faith to real conversation. Having a great time is just the beginning.

Third Space Starter Kit

Ready to start your own Third Space? Download our kit and get your group off to a good start.


What's new

Chris Watkin
Can philosophy tell us who we are?
Andrew Laird
When do you stop greeting people this way?
Russ Matthews
What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Young Goh
Career transition with a purpose
Chris Mulherin
A word for Richard Dawkins
Joseph Steinberg
One man's journey from Judaism to Jesus
Gillian Asquith
What is Good Friday? What is Easter? and their relevance?
Jee Hyun Kim
Peter Hughes
The science and stories behind anxiety, fear and depression
Martin Pakula
Martin Pakula grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home and was successful in many ways but was deeply unhappy
Gillian Asquith
Is the Bible a bunch of Chinese whispers that has been tampered with? How can we trust it?
Kara Martin
Find something more at work