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Is Consent a new idea?

Deeper Questions about a modern day topic

Have you heard people talking about consent?

The #Metoo movement exposed how many sexually inappropriate relationships there were in Hollywood and #Churchtoo made us see that sexual assault can happen wherever someone has power over another person.

In Australia, there's a large-scale government campaign to teach this generation about the importance of consent in intimate relationships. So is consent a new idea?

Well, no the Apostle Paul talks about consent in the Bible, which historians date back to about 50 AD.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul calls husbands and wives to be intimate by mutual consent.

In 426 AD Augustine challenged Roman culture about consent in his book “The City of God”.

So consent is a Christian virtue that’s shaping our culture today, hopefully for the better.

Bible reference(s):
1 Corinthians
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