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God in Film Guide Up!

Marriage. Friendship. Value. Faithfulness.

God in Film study guides combine your two favourite things, God and movies. Upskill yourself for group discussions that explores deep themes. Learn to be the Producer, Director and Reviewer of your own film discussion group.

Each God in Film guide provides you with a synopsis, planning guide, tips and specially selected clips for discussing in a group. Download the attached PDF guide to get started.

Renowned explorer Charles F. Muntz says he has found a new species of giant bird at Paradise Falls, South America. However, archaeologists study the skeleton of the bird and conclude that Muntz fabricated it. Disgraced, Muntz vows to bring back a live specimen and will not return until he does so. Mean while on the other side of the world, young Carl Fredricksen meets Ellie. Both are aspiring explorers who idolize Muntz, and the two quickly become friends. Ellie reveals her dream to Carl about going to live by Paradise Falls. The two eventually get married and repeatedly save up for a trip to Paradise Falls, but always end up spending the money on more pressing needs. As an elderly man, Carl finally buys tickets for the trip, but Ellie falls ill and dies before they can go.Carl continues living in the house he and Ellie fixed up, stubbornly holding out while the neighborhood around him is replaced by skyscrapers. Carl resolves to keep his promise to Ellie. Having worked his entire life as a balloon salesman, he turns his house into a makeshift airship by attaching hundreds of helium balloons to it and flies away. Where will his house take him?

Bible reference(s):
Proverbs 28:20a
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