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God in Film Guide: West Side Story

Does Shakespeare still speak into this era?

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Synopsis: Director Steven Spielberg chose to stay loyal to the original adaptation with some minor character changes. He keeps the story set in 1950s New York where the cultural landscape of the Upper West Side of New York City was evolving. These Burroughs used to be influenced by European heritage, but now it was experiencing a rush of Puerto Rican immigration. Even though there were tensions between the new and old guards within the community, the Jets and the Sharks kept fighting in the streets. With their worlds all being under threat, these two gangs were trying to hold on to their familiar turf, while most of the buildings around them were being razed to make way for the new Lincoln Center along with upscale housing.

Painted against the battle between the two gangs is the romance between Maria (Rachel Zegler) and Tony (Ansel Elgort). These star-crossed lovers must figure out how to commence their love for one another. Even though Maria is the sister of Bernardo (David Alvarez), the leader of the Sharks and Tony is one of the founding members of the Jets. It is their relationship that leads to the eventual rumble between the two gangs. As racial tensions rise and the battle is about to come to fruition, the young lovers try to do all they can to stop the fight from starting. With iconic songs and captivating dance routines, this Shakespearian love story plays out with beautiful effect on the streets of New York City.

Bible reference(s):
Ecclesiastes 4:10-12, Jeremiah 17: 9-10, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 1 John 4 :19, 2 Corinthians 5:17,
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