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How to be a better listener

Did you hear what I said? Better listener
How to be a better listener

How to cultivate the art of listening?

How good are you at listening to others? Whether it’s your kids, your colleagues, your friends.

I’ll admit I’ve got a long way to go!

My phone pings, something happens in the background, and I’m instantly distracted from what you were saying.

If you’ve experienced this you’ll know small it can make you feel.

On the flipside when someone gives you their full attention it can make you feel so loved and valued.

How do we cultivate such behaviour? By considering others better than ourselves.

This is precisely how Jesus acts towards us, but in far more extravagant ways.

He humbled himself ultimately by laying down his life for us.

As we’re gripped by Jesus’ humility it moves us to be humble, not least in helping us be a better listener.
