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The paradox of living your best life

Story of the Pharisee and the tax collector
Tue 1 Apr, 1.05pm-1.50pm

We are told that we can have the life we want now. That we can live our best life now. We pursue the ideal life. The Instagram-worthy life. In the race to living your 'best life' we need to realise that the best life only comes when we recognise and embrace our failures.

Join us in person over a light lunch in Parramatta (host) or Town Hall (watch party) as Dr Sam Chan explains what we can learn from the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector during this Easter.

Co-hosted by Christians in Public Sector and City Legal

Please contact Martin Chung for more information.
Instructions on how to join the event
Parramatta (Host)
1. Arrive by 1:00pm to 6 Parramatta Square (10 Darcy St) Parramatta.
2. Upon arrival, check in at the Concierge desk on Level 1 (via the escalator), 6 Parramatta Square to receive your visitors pass.
3. Call Samuel Tsang on 0423 943 818 to be escorted from the Concierge desk to the Level 11 meeting room.
Town Hall (Watch party)
1. Arrive by 1:00pm to 231 Elizabeth St.
2. Upon arrival, check in at the Concierge desk on the Ground floor to receive your visitors pass.
3. Call Clement Siu on 0429 618 138 to be escorted from the Concierge desk to the Level 13 meeting room.