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Russ Matthews
Francis Ford Coppola's artistic adventure to nowhere
Russ Matthews
Aaron Pierre rises to action star
Russ Matthews
He's grown up and entering the real world
Russ Matthews
Ben McEachen
Is this one for the family and is it better than the original?
Patrick Parkinson
A story of moral failure?
Reflections on the recent controversies surrounding Kevin Rudd, the Bible and slavery
Derek Hanna
Jesus said to his followers to 'love your neighbour' and yet it seems that the church hasn't done that
Glenn Hohnberg
Jesus said to his followers to 'love your neighbour' and yet it seems that the church hasn't done that
Robert Martin
Attending recent funerals have reminded me of my own mortality - one day I will die. How should we respond?
George Mallos
A lawyer reflects on his career working for insurance companies
Russ Matthews
God can empathise
George Mallos
A lawyer reflects on his career working for insurance companies