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Andrew Laird
Did you know Jesus says His kingdom is similar?
Robert Martin
Jesus offers a radically different vision towards those who oppose us
Russ Matthews
What's going on with the world?
Russ Matthews
Ben McEachen
The boys are back... Deadpool & Wolverine + Russ & Ben
Al Stewart
What makes human life valuable?
Barney Zwartz
Has Christianity been a positive or negative force in Australia?
Steve Brady
Do near death experiences point to life after death? Dr. Steve Brady talks about his own research and encounters with death.
David Robertson
Who was he? How do we know?
Sam Chan
Kate Bracks
Ian Harper
Anna McGahan
Walter Lewin
Craig Broman
Jacky Hodges
Bob Beaumont
Al Stewart
A Soul's search for meaning (Ecclesiastes)
Al Stewart
Why follow Jesus when the world has moved on?
Kate Bracks
Learn about Masterchef winner Kate Bracks' Masterchef journey and her Christian faith
Michael Jensen
What's so funny?