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For King + Country: A Drummer Boy Christmas - Live

The band's Christmas present to you all

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For all of those who love For King + Country - Here is your Christmas present - A Drummer Boy Christmas LIVE | The Cinematic Concert Experience.

In a year where they celebrate the hit film, Unsung Hero, which focuses on Smallbone’s immigration experience that led to their family impacting the Christian music scene on multiple levels, it would make sense the Smallbones would finish 2024 celebrating Christmas. Joel, Luke and their multi-talented band bring their stunning live performance to theatres before Christmas holidays. They wonderfully combine classic songs and many of their hit singles for an entertaining and worshipful atmosphere that will satisfy fans and win over new ones. A stage production that will get audiences standing up in the theatre, singing along and dancing to their favourite Christmas tunes.

Set in Houston, Texas, before a crowd of 12,000+ devoted followers who participate in this mesmerising stage production. Every moment will satisfy the yearnings for a Christmas celebration done only the way For King + Country can muster. As they add their Australian style to a cross-cultural experience, the band captures the Christmas spirit and brings everyone along on the journey.

Coming to cinemas in Australia and New Zealand for 3 days only on December 13, 14 and 15.

TICKETS ON SALE NOW! For more information visit Faith Media

Reel Dialogue: Three shocking facts about Christmas

The third one will shock you (yes - shameless clickbait!)

If you are investigating the meaning of Christmas and/or Christianity, be sure to listen to Sam Chan’s talk.

Sam Chan explores how...

  1. Jesus became one of us - and so affirms us and our dignity
  2. King Herod was evil - so there is such a thing as good and evil
  3. The line between good and evil runs through our own hearts

Three shocking facts about Christmas

If you would like to discuss the topics from this film, reach out to us at Third Space. We would love to chat with you about this and more.

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